
A Letter of Thanks

As Mandy and I anxiously await a court date, we continue to covet your prayers. We are eager to get home, as we've mentioned, and see our boys, give Mandy's parents a break (we're not done yet!) and enjoy the comforts of home. We knew our travels would be hard and God has given us new friends for us to realize our travels could have been more difficult! 

Before we leave Ukraine for a short break, we wanted to say thanks to all of you who have been faithfully praying for Mandy, Zhenya and I in Ukraine. It has truly been a blessing to have prayers rained down on us daily! God has answered so many prayers of ours and given us tremendous joy. There are some special thanks I want to include.

To my wonderful and amazing wife, who has brought me to this point, many THANKS! It is hard to believe that less than 11 months ago, I was not aware of hosting, nor thinking of adoption. God used you to open my heart to hosting and adoption and expand our family to include Zhenya. I am so very blessed to have you by my side!

To Nana and Pawpaw, words cannot express the gratitude I have for you. From the start of the adoption process in January, you have been so very helpful. One of our greatest and primary concerns was the care for our boys while traveling. We did not even have a chance to discuss that with you! You immediately told us you would keep the boys and the dogs and stay at our house! You have released an immense burden on Mandy and I, allowing us to focus on Zhenya and the adoption process. And, every time we have Skyped and talked, you've been smiling and joyful! You will forever be a part of this long journey that we hope will soon bring Zhenya home.

To the Daley's, you walked the road ahead of us and provided guidance, direction, prayers and friendship throughout. It was great to see Bob & Dima in Kyiv and get some much needed travel information! Praise God they are safely home!

God Bless each of you for the part you have played in "Operation Z." (Thanks Jim for that!)

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